Frequently asked questions

  • For the moment, the official Nuance store is online.
    But you can also find our boards at our friends McBoard in Villars, Switzerland.

  • Boris is always up for a session, hit him up on instagram or on the slopes. He always has a couple boards in the back of his car.

    We also plan to do a few testing days during the season. Stay tuned by signing our newsletter underneath.

  • Events, sessions, testing days and so on. Follow us on Instagram @nuance_snowboards or sign up with your email in the form below, we won't spam you, we promise!

  • We offer free shipping in Europe. If your location is close to us, we may even ship your order personally. :)
    Otherwise, we'll send your board via Swiss post or DHL.

  • We can't include customs taxes in the price at the size we're actually at. We do our best to ensure smooth international shipping, but please note that customs duties and taxes are beyond our control. Depending on your location, you may be required to pay additional charges upon receiving your order.

  • Each board comes with a 2 years manufacturing warranty.

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Mountains covered with snow captured from train's window